Updated Gmail app in Android Market
September 21, 2010
(Cross-posted from the Mobile Blog)
We just released a new version of the Gmail app in Android Market, so Gmail updates aren’t tied to Android version releases anymore. Now you can get new Gmail stuff faster without having to wait for system updates. To start you off, we’ve improved message replies, access to quoted text, and more.
As you scroll through a conversation, your most important message actions will now stick to the top of the screen, one click away, no matter how long the email is.

Get the update from Android Market (just scan the QR code below, or click here if you're on a phone) and check out the new Gmail. We’d love to hear what you think at android-apps-support@google.com.

Update 9/21/10 12:26pm PDT: There is a known issue where the headers don't stick properly on some HTC phones like the EVO 4G and Droid Incredible. We are working to address this.